Cross Road Church Okayama | Access

Following are options for how to access to the Church.


309-5, Tsudaka, Kita-ku Okayama-shi, Okayama, 〒701-1152, Japan (Search in Google map )

Access by Bus

From Tenmaya Bus center〈天満屋バスセンター〉 (About 25 minutes)

Take a Bus route (Driving License center〈免許センター行き〉) or (National Hospital〈国立病院行〉) direction from No.5 Bus stop.

クロスロードチャーチ岡山行きのバス乗り場(天満屋バスステーション 5番乗り場)

From JR Okayama station〈JR岡山駅〉 (About 20 minutes)

Exit East side of Okayama station Bus Terminal.

Take a bus route (Driving License center〈免許センター行き〉) or (National Hospital〈国立病院行〉) direction from No.7 Bus stop.

クロスロードチャーチ岡山行きのバス乗り場(岡山駅東口 バスターミナル 7番乗り場)

Closest Bus stop to Cross Road Church Okayama is "Nakahara〈中原〉"

Please get off at "Nakahara〈中原〉" Bus stop.


Please walk toward Hallows (same direction as the bus going).

Left turn at "Dainichi-Tei〈大日亭〉"

Please turn left at the first corner of "Dainichi-Tei〈大日亭〉".


Cross Road Church Okayama is a white square Building stand on the right side after walking about 100m forward.


Time schedule for Bus (PDF file)

Here is the Weekend / Holiday time schedule for Bus.

Weekend / Holiday time schedule

Here is the Weekday Time Schedule for Bus.

Weekday Time Schedule

Access by car

Please follow the direction on Google map for driving by car.

About 3 minutes distance away after Exist at Okayama I.C.

Please drive toward Route 53〈国道53号線〉 (By-Pass-Road) after paying at a toll gate.

After entering Route53, Drive about 650m south, and turn left at the intersection of "Okayama I.C. South 〈岡山IC南〉 ".

Please make right turn immediately after the left turn at the intersection of "Okayama I.C. South 〈岡山IC南〉".

About 150m moving forward, Cross Road Church Okayama can be seen on the left side.

Please do research on a driving route and Charges fee for Highway Road.

NEXCO West Japan

Parking Information

Parking is available within the Church area.

Additional parking is also available at a warehouse parking lot infront of the church (only Sunday).

Please clear the rope before parking.



Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

For any inquiries regarding our church, please contact us here.

Cross Road Church Okayama | Enquiries


© 2025 クロスロードチャーチ岡山